Tradera Developer Program


Documentation Version 3 > OrderService

Service for orders information.

The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.

  • GetFreightLabels

    Get freight labels by their order id. The freight labels are pdfs encoded as BASE64 strings. Will only return freight labels for the authorized user.


    The GetFreightLabelsResponse that contains zero or more freight labels.

  • GetOrders

    Get one or more orders by their order id. Will only return orders for the authorized user.


    The GetOrderResponse that contains zero or more of the requested orders.

  • GetSellerOrders

    Returns all orders that have taken place within the specified constraints. The seller in this case is the user for which the call is made for.

    1. request, Holds request information for this call, see GetSellerOrdersRequest for detailed information.

    Array of found SellerOrder objects

  • SetSellerOrderAsPaid

    Sets seller order as paid. The seller in this case is the user for which the call is made for.

    1. request, The orderId of the order that is processed.

    The orderId of the order that has been marked as paid.

  • SetSellerOrderAsShipped

    Sets seller order as shipped. The seller in this case is the user for which the call is made for.

    1. request, The orderId of the order that is processed.

    The orderId of the order that has been marked as shipped.