ItemRequest, represents a request to add an Item (auction) to the Tradera system.
- Title, The title (short description) of the item (80 chars).
- OwnReferences, The sellers own references for this Item (60 chars).
- CategoryId, The category Id. See the method GetCategories for all available categories.
- Duration, How long the auction should be available (1-14 days).
Note that this property will always be set to 30 days if ItemType property is set to PureBuyItNow type. - Restarts, How many times the item/auction should be allowed to restart if not sold (0-2).
A restart will incur the same fees as a new auction. - StartPrice, The start price (utropspris).
- ReservePrice, The reserve price (the lowest price that the Item can be sold for), if any.
- BuyItNowPrice, A price that the Item can be bought for immediately, if any.
- Description, A long (7000 chars) description of the item.
- PaymentOptionIds, An array of ids of Payment types (more than one can be specified).
See the method GetItemFieldValues for a list. - ShippingOptions, A list of shipping options offered to the buyer of the Item. At most 3 shipping options are allowed if Pickup is included. Otherwise, at most 2 shipping options are allowed. See ItemShipping .
- AcceptedBidderId, The types of bidders allowed for the Item. See the method GetAcceptedBidderTypes for a list.
- ExpoItemIds, An array of Expo item Ids, used if for example bold text is desired.
See the method GetExpoItemTypes for a list. - CustomEndDate, When the auction should end, will override Duration if set. CustomEndDate costs extra.
Note that this property is not used if ItemType property is set to PureBuyItNow type. Duration will always be set to 30 days for PureBuyItNow type. - ItemAttributes, Item attributes like: New, Used
- ItemType, The type of Item.
See the method GetItemTypes for a list. - AutoCommit, If the ItemRequest should be available for import into the Tradera system at once.
Set this property to false if images are going to be added to ItemRequest. - VAT, VAT for the item. The VAT value can be retrieved from API method GetItemFieldValues .
- ShippingCondition, Describes Shipping condition for this Item (500 chars)
- PaymentCondition, Describes Payment condition for this Item (500 chars)
- CampaignCode, The campaign code for the item.
- DescriptionLanguageCodeIso2, The description language code of the item.
- AttributeValues, The ItemAttributeValues (tags). See the method GetAttributeDefinitions for all available attribute values. Note that this is not the same as ItemAttributes.
- RestartedFromItemId, The id of the item to restart.
Set this property if the intention is to restart an existing inactive item.