Query, detailed input to the advanced search.
- SearchWords, The keywords to search for.
- CategoryId, The Id of the category to search in (0 for all categories). See the method GetCategories for a list.
- SearchInDescription, If the search should include the Item description as well as the title.
- Mode, Whether to require hits on all specified words, or just any of them.
- PriceMinimum, The lower boundary of the price range to search in. Set to NULL or 0 for no lower boundary.
- PriceMaximum, The upper boundary of the price range to search in. Set to NULL or 0 for no upper boundary.
- BidsMinimum, The lowest number of bids that an Item can have and still be included in the search result. Set to NULL or 0 for no lower limit.
- BidsMaximum, The highest number of bids that an Item can have and still be included in the search result. Set to NULL or 0 for no upper limit.
- ZipCode, Search for items within zip codes starting with this string (maximum 5 characters). Mutually exclusive with CountyId.
- CountyId, Search for items within this county. Mutually exclusive with ZipCode. See the method GetCounties for a list.
- Alias, Only include items from the user with this alias. Set to NULL for all users.
- OrderBy, How the search results should be sorted.
- ItemStatus, The status of the items to include.
- ItemType, The type of item to return.
- OnlyAuctionsWithBuyNow, If only auctions with a Buy Now price should be returned.
- OnlyItemsWithThumbnail, If only items with a thumbnail picture should be returned.
- ItemsPerPage, The number of items to return per page. Maximum value is 500 and values > 500 will be regarded as 500.
- PageNumber, The page to return, starting with 1 for the first page.
- ItemConditon, Define the condition requirements (new/used)
- SellerType, Define the seller requirements (private/business)