Contains detailed seller information about a User
- ItemAsDescribedCount, How many times the seller has been rated for ItemAsDescribed. This value can be null if the seller did not receive 10 ratings.
- ItemAsDescribedAverage, The average rating for ItemAsDescribed. This value can be null if the seller did not receive 10 ratings.
- CommResponsivenessCount, How many times the seller has been rated for CommResponsiveness. This value can be null if the seller did not receive 10 ratings.
- CommResponsivenessAverage, The average rating for CommResponsiveness. This value can be null if the seller did not receive 10 ratings.
- ShippingTimeCount, How many times the seller has been rated for ShippingTime. This value can be null if the seller did not receive 10 ratings.
- ShippingTimeAverage, The average rating for ShippingTime. This value can be null if the seller did not receive 10 ratings.
- ShippingHandlingChargesCount, How many times the seller has been rated for ShippingHandlingCharges. This value can be null if the seller did not receive 10 ratings.
- ShippingHandlingChargesAverage, The average rating for ShippingHandlingCharges. This value can be null if the seller did not receive 10 ratings.