Bidding information for an auction item.
- Id, Auction item id
- ShortDescription, A short (80 chars) description of the auction.
- SellerId, Seller's id.
- EndDate, Date for when the auction ends.
- ThumbnailLink, The link to the auctions thumbnail image.
- ReservePriceReached, Indicates if the reserve price has been reached.
- HasBuyItNowOption, Indicates if the auction has a Buy-It-Now option.
- BuyItNowPrice, The Buy-It-Now price (if any).
- IsEnded, Indicates if the auction has ended.
- NextBid, The minimum next bid.
- MaxBid, The current max bid.
- MaxBidderId, Id of the bidder with current max bid.
- TotalBids, The total number of bids on this auction so far.
- MaxAutoBid, The auto-bid limit. The system will act as a bid proxy and automatically
place bids (using the automatic bid increment amount) until the user is
the highest bidder or the auto-bid limit is reached.